Contains type-specific primitive integer functions, equivalents of functions from the uncomplicate.neanderthal.core namespace. Typically, you would want to require this namespace if you need to compute matrices that contain longs and/or ints. Please keep in mind that most of higher-level BLAS functions are supported for integers. For example, operations such as matrix multiplication is not supported for integers, nor it makes much sense in general case for big matrices.
(ns test
(:require [uncomplicate.neanderthal
[core :refer :all :exclude [entry entry! dot nrm2 asum sum]]
[integer :refer :all]]))
(entry x i)
(entry a i j)
The primitive, much faster, version of uncomplicate.neanderthal.core/entry.
(entry! x val)
(entry! x i val)
(entry! a i j val)
The primitive, much faster, version of uncomplicate.neanderthal.core/entry!.